Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week In HELL!!!

So...we are on day 2 of our week long video EEG...and things are NOT going well.  

Just my freaking luck...years of seizures, night terrors/seizures, you name it and after 24hrs of monitoring and all they've gotten is discharges in his sleep (frontal lobe mind you...which is where he has his seizures) If they would have him be ACTIVE instead of laying in bed all day and night...I dunno...I'm just frustrated <SCREAM!!!!!!!!>  

I mean t
he child's seizures are either due to overheating from heat exposure or activity...*which wouldn't happen laying in a hospital bed*, from sensory overstimulation...*again wouldn't happen laying in a bed*...and the night ones...which don't happen every night anyways, most but not every. 

I'm not surprised in the least that they found discharges from his frontal lobe...in fact, I've known that for over 2 1/2 years.  I was told that they would be performing tests to try to trigger or induce seizure activity...which HASN'T happened one bit.  

After giving an extensive history of the nature of his seizure activity...and their only finding discharges in his sleep...makes me feel as though they don't believe the history given...because 'if we don't see it...it doesn't exist' which is a bunch of CRAP!!!!!!  

Also, they concluded that he couldn't have Lennox Gastaut epilepsy syndrome which would explain both his all his different types of seizures, developmental issues, Autistic like behaviors, and Behavioral problems.  That means that in addition to the medication the Neurologist chooses to try to control his seizures, I will have to put him on a mood stabilizer like Abilify or something in that family because his behaviors are out of control and can be violent at times.  

This also means I can not 'blame' his seizures for his behavioral problems.  We will be getting a whopping 2 1/2 hrs a MONTH of Behavioral therapy and I'm switching him to my psych team for both medicinal and psychological help, counseling/Behavioral Play therapy.  

It just figures that we get stuck in such a situation where his normal activity is rarely seen and when they try to document it...all they get is some discharges.  And that we can most likely rule in the diagnosis of Childhood Bipolar in the near future if we can't get his moods stable and his 'rages' under control.  God, why can't we ever get the 'easy' ticket?  

Lennox explains everything he has going on...and while it doesn't respond to traditional seizure medications, it has it's own medication that helps with the seizures and behaviors.  But no...not for us <SCREAM> Now he'll get a minor seizure disorder disorder diagnosis and a long line of psychiatric disorders that I was hoping he would never have lingering over his head.  

Lennox would have kept him out of the pedi psych ward...now if something else happens...It scares the shit out of me what could happen.  With a diagnosis of Childhood Bipolar...well...little needs to be said there.  

Well I'll try to update if anything changes and he actually starts acting like he does EVERYWHERE else and they actually see something.  If not...you'll know I'm wasting away in my own worries.  

All of this has given me a migraine and I just wanna go home and cry.

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