Thursday, August 12, 2010

Therapy 8/12/2010

We finally had a good therapy day!!!!!  We got the scores from his Receptive Language exam, and he was off the chart for his age (Tell me something I don't already know!!!).  There were some areas we need to address both in Speech Therapy and in home school:  categories (picking what didn't belong, relations of objects), difficulties with pronouns/word endings/sentence structure, answering questions within topic, repeating sentences.  K/G errors, multi-sylabic words, fronting, and flipping sounds.  But overall, he did amazingly well!!  We'll have the results from his Expressive Language exam after our next Speech apt, but she already told me that his score there was much lower (Again, something I totally expected).   


Occupational Therapy -  Worked with Stacia in jungle room for a while:  jumped on trampoline - asked before!!!!, went looking for specific toys to use from the main ot room!, and played on the swing with toys - asking sometimes. Got tired/frustrated with toys on swing and threw them all over the floor.  Pitched mini fit (about 1 1/2 minutes long) when asked to pick up, but after a few minutes complied and picked up.  Is having difficulties asking before doing things (impulse control)  Took helmet off to play in tunnel, but put back on to play on the swing again.  Started to play with bristle blocks, tolerated quite well. But didn't want to 'build-squish' them together - pitched larger minifit (5 minutes long).  

Went into larger room and did ball squishing 20 times on both sides, took off helmet as he was getting agitated with it on.  Doesn't like doing ball squishing while laying prone (on tummy).  Brushing - warned Stacia about level of severity of tactile issues on arm.  Tolerated brushing on legs pretty well - did some joint compressions and he found that to be ticklish.  Did alright with brushing on right arm, but was a little difficult with left arm as he was concerned with his elbow injury.  Enjoyed joint compressions on both arms.  Mini fit to return to the prone position and only made it to 'child yoga pose' instead of fully on his tummy.  Maybe there's something to look into in regards to him laying on his tummy.  I've never seen him sleep on his tummy either...I dunno?Didn't like brushing on his back, but liked joint compression on back.    

 Did glow drawing and liked it...Will need to look into getting him one of the glow drawing boards that go up on the wall either in room or in Sensory Corner *more about that later*!!!

 Played in beans...liked them poured onto him...but not to put his hands in/dig through...would only use bowls to move beans.

We're going to stop the herbal treatments to rid his intestines of the parasites, and beginning both an herbal Cellular Defense *to remove heavy metals and toxins from his body, help balance pH levels in his body, and promote a healthy immune system* and herbal Anxiety Control (in place of adhd meds) *AC24 Provides amino acids, herbs, minerals, and essential cofactors to support the brain's Inhibitory Neurotransmitter System*  And we might need to go back onto a limited amount of corn in his diet, as the detox from that is really messing his head up.  Currently, due to newly found food intolerances:  Corn and all corn by-products *High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Starch, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, Dextrose, and Maltodextrin*, Tomatoes, Pork, Eggs *both yolks and whites* his entire diet has changed, well somewhat.  I'm still making the same foods, just in a different way, paying WAY too much for loaves of bread, and making things from scratch *which isn't too easy with Captain Taz in residence*  They also found intolerances to milk and dairy products, but we already knew those and have avoided them.   So, we'll see if any of these new herbal treatments will help at all, because these don't have side effects, whereas the meds the doctors want him on are really scary.  I don't want to dope him up on 20+pills a day, I just want him to feel like himself and not terrorize those around him so much.

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