Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I know it's been awhile but...

So much has been going on, it's incredible!!  
First off, Ally (our new in-home Behavioral Therapist) is also a Speech Therapist, so we'll get double on that...and he absolutely LOVES her.  I'm hoping this means he will work well with and for her.  We're hoping to get started actually working with her Monday morning *all previous visits have been to foster a relationship that will help all along the way*.  Goals/treatment plan is still in the works, but both Ally and Lupe *the Head Behavioral therapist in town* are confident that we can come up with not only a line of effective discipline, but also alleviate Braeden's anxiety by using charts to show not only what will happen each day, but also what will be required of him each day, and consequences *both good and bad* for behaviors, and come up with an effective sensory 'diet' to keep him from going into fits from over/understimulation, to protect both of us from the actions made in those fits.   

Also, last Thursday in OT, we tried a little experiment and did a combined therapy session 3 therapists to 2 kids.  So Braeden was paired with another 5 yr old, Jaden*just two months older than he, but far more physiologically developed *towers over Braeden*, yet far less verbal*.  Everyone was a bit nervous at first as either boy is prone to fits and difficulties with other children in close quarters.  But to all our surprise and IMMENSE joy, it went amazingly perfect.  They even played, with the same toy *after doing their therapy time* in the very small quarters of a backyard tree-house/fort set up in the therapy room.  All weekend long, everything coming out of Braeden's mouth was all about 'My new friend Jaden' this and that.  And how he can't wait to play with his new friend again and have him come over to play and so many other things.  Coming from a child who has never had, nor attempted, to foster a peer age relationship... WAS AMAZING!!!!!  So much so, that both the Director *one of the therapists in the group that day* and I want to continue combining their therapies, once a week, as Jaden also needs the interaction and companionship of another boy his age.

The therapy center is also giving music therapy/lessons and Braeden is ECSTATIC!!!!  I've been looking for music therapy for years, as it's always worked at home to help calm him down/make him focus in home-school.  

Also, they have a home-school set-up, which I'll get more info on Saturday *Open House*, and after speaking with the director, we both feel Braeden would benefit from attending a couple of days a month.  I know that sounds weird, but curriculum-wise, we're right where we need to be, and they're following a particular curriculum at each child's pace.  They also have access to open therapy and Chiropractic/Cranial-Sacral therapy throughout the day.  But they have days that are 'free' days, like art, music, crafts, etc, and these are the days we feel Braeden would benefit from attending.  She is going to speak with the teacher about  doing this.  Some 'free' days involve field-trips, that both the Director and I don't feel he's ready for, but his 'new friend Jaden' will most likely start going full time, so even more time spent together.  ALL GOOD THINGS!!!!! 

Amazingly, well maybe perhaps not so come to think about it, we are FINALLY making SIGNIFICANT progress towards Potty Training since changing his diet.  Which is TOTALLY worth the extra precautions/effort/cost of sticking to this Corn*and all its derivatives including Dextrose, Maltodextrin, as well as the obvious corn meal/flour/starch/etc*/Tomato/Dairy - except 'Natural Cheeses'/Eggs *both whites and yolks* free diet.  He is starting to FINALLY recognize the feelings and is both going when asked to, but also spontaneously *INCREDIBLE!!!!!!*  I'm completely convinced that all this time, over 3 years of Potty Training, it all comes down to discovering he has severe food intolerances that were damaging his intestines is why we never had any success previously.  I won't go into specifics, cause that gets kinda nasty, but still...HUGE strides to being completely potty trained!!!!!!!! 

As for me, I'm still awaiting a decision regarding my disability case.  I was so nervous/excited when I got a letter from them, today.  I thought either it's an approval or rejection letter, the latter of which would mean having to file an appeal and hire a lawyer, which I MOST EMPHATICALLY do NOT want to do.  But to my disappointment/relief/seething anger, it was a letter requesting the very same extra information they 'required' to make a decision on my case...of which was SENT TO THEM TWO WEEKS AGO!!!!  So, now I'm worried, did they even get it...are they screwing with me?  Because many cases do get denied the first time around, and have to appeal with a lawyer...then almost all that appeal with a lawyer will be approved.  Without a lawyer, you don't really stand a chance *sob*  So, I'm sincerely hoping they do not deny me because I don't have the physical/mental/emotional strength to take that on along with everything else I've got to handle.  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So...what does he have again???

It seems as though every 'professional' interprets the same information differently.  

I've been trying for years to get Braeden the help and treatment he needs, but have been corralled into stereotypes and never been able to break free of them.  Now...after seeing my psych team 'officially', they've concluded that yes indeed he DOES have ADHD *and anyone who's ever met the child would agree to that*...of which he will be treated from a most noninvasive approach available, and still retain his delightful personality buried beneath layers upon layers of hypersensitivity to stimuli...and after a behavioral profile, they have moved him out of the Autism Spectrum *which I never really felt he fit* and into the low intensity level of childhood bipolarity.  
Now, this sounds bad...but really it opens the previously unobtainable doors that will vastly improve Braeden's quality of life.  It does include a medicinal treatment plan...but one I'm comfortable with *as opposed to the previous psych who wanted him on schizophrenic anti-psychotics WITHOUT behavioral supports*.    
"Autism" only 'requires' ABA Therapy as it's 'miracle' treatment...and ABA is more like training a dog/monkey to perform tricks.  There are useful components of it, which we will be employing with Ally, his newly appointed IN HOME Behavioral Therapist!!!  And the rest will be provided via counseling and other behavioral techniques more tailored to his specific situation.  
Being that so much is going on with him, my psych team is moving forward not only VERY slowly, but even more carefully than usual.  They're quite optimistic that with the interventions I've fought for years to get will give Braeden a new life, really.  
Sometimes, he's so trapped up in his own world/fit/etc...and we're hoping to be able to finally give him the ability to not only self regulate so he doesn't reach levels of maladaptive behaviors, but to recognize the symptoms and learn to first come down off the track that leads to meltdowns and know what can trigger these symptoms so that we can, eventually, have good days 75%-90% of the time...instead of the maybe 30% we have now.  
I know nothing is a miracle cure, but I'm seeing a future for him that I didn't before.  With the right encouragements and techniques, he could be able to function mentally to the extent that no one even suspects that he is considered within the bipolar spectrum.  Now...if we could only control his seizures...